
Showing posts from January, 2020

Becoming a Teacher Leader With Micro-credentials

Becoming a Teacher-Leader With Micro-credentials As a classroom teacher, I have always kept a bright orange poster on display that asks students two critical questions: Do you know it? Can you show it? If a student can answer a resounding YES to both questions, that student is able to make progress as a learner. To KNOW the concept is important, but the two questions are fundamentally linked; it’s just as important to SHOW what you know. Educators have the “know-how” to be effective, but sometimes in the day-to-day shuffle the “show-how” gets lost. Many professional learning opportunities give teachers the chance to add to their bank of knowledge, but don’t encourage teachers to put what they know into action. This is why Digital Promise micro-credentials excite me.  In 2016, I began exploring micro-credentials as a professional learning option for our district. I wondered if perhaps micro-credentials could be the answer to some of our realities: a disil...