Celebrate wins at home

Two weeks ago I traveled to Baltimore County Public Schools as part of the League of Innovative Schools. The visit was phenomenal. I walked away with hundreds of pictures on my phone, ideas that inspired, and a to-do list of at least 347 things that I want to get started with. Students were amazing. Teachers were impressive. Learning was at the center of what I saw, and I feel beyond blessed to have experienced it. While walking through a hallway during a school visit, a colleague from Utah turned to me and said, “You’re doing these things in Juab. This is why people tour YOUR schools. I realized in that moment that OUR schools are more amazing than people realize. There are good things happening in classrooms every day that no-one knows about — that I don’t know about. We too-often talk about classrooms based on anecdotal evidence instead of actual observations. I also realized that I am not spending enough time in our schools. The next Monday, I began the process of correcting...